Netwerkborrel Teachers for Climate op 7 oktober
Teachers for Climate nodigt je van harte uit voor de jaarlijkse netwerkborrel. Opnieuw willen we pionierende leraren, schoolleiders en aanbieders informeel bij elkaar brengen om ideeën uit te wisselen en netwerken te verstevigen. De borrel vindt plaats op vrijdag 7 oktober van 17:00-19:30. • Locatie:…
Blog 2: Learning in nature and with the community
Learning about sustainability education on a biodynamic farm Six-thirty AM, I am harvesting broccoli, and loving it. We are staying at Alm Ostre, the oldest (since 1974) running biodynamic farm in Norway. Not only is it a beautiful and peaceful place, and a warm…
Blog 1: Education that Connects: Learning about Education for Sustainable Development in Norway
I find myself in Hamar, Norway. Me being here is part of the sabbatical plan my partner Niels and I have for the coming school year; travelling through Europe to discover examples of innovative sustainability education. The world is in an ecological and climate crisis…